Sunday, September 07, 2008

Elbow -Tom Snow Trails

This has been a pretty busy week. I joined a Survivor Bootcamp exercise class that started last week (Tuesdays and Thursdays), so I was sore from that... Friday night I had another pre-ride for the mountain bike race, and then Saturday was a softball tournament, the mountain bike race, and a ride in the mountains. During the pre-ride I realized I was too sore and slow to be an effective racer so I suggested the other girl on the team ride the course... Too sore to ride two laps on a 20 min course at race speed, so instead I did a 20ish km ride in the mountains after playing a 9am softball game... who says I need to make sense?

Susanna and I did most of this trail before, but taking the Iron Springs trail instead of the Elbow Trail. Elbow is definitely the way to go - better hills and few cows/cow patties! We didn't stop to take pics on the first half. This shot is approaching the bridge just before the brutal hill (despite it being on a gravel road... the gravel was so soft it was definitely an energy sucker) that led to the Tom Snow Trail.

We stopped at a couple of points to take pictures of ourselves riding down the trail...


Jenny: Me and Kali:
The trail was pretty muddy in places... just muddy enough to be fun but not a depressing slog-fest. There were still one or two spots we chose to bypass rather than ride through though...
More photo ops... Jenny got it on the first try, but I made Susanna ride back up twice to get her shot... and she paid me back by sending me up three times... at least riding down was fun!
Four muddy girls at the Station Flats parking area (although we still had a little over 1 km on the highway to go to get back to the start point). You can't quite see the mud here but we were caked from head to toe.
Muddy bikes on the car:

1 comment:

JP said...

Hey Becky,

Wanna check out another boot camp?

Check out www.BootyCampFitness.comWe have 66 plus Canadian Fitness Boot Camp locations.

If you blog about all 8 weeks, I'll even give you a free 8 week.

For the Love of Health and Fitness,