Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jumping Pound Loop

Today Kali & I went biking with Shannon at Jumping Pound Loop. Yesterday it rained in town and I guess it was snow in the mountains... not surprising considering it was -1 C in Bragg Creek this morning. Made for rather picturesque mountains anyway!
There was still a bit of snow in the low-lying shaded areas and the trail was pretty sloppy... glad we didn't choose to bike some of the other trails that tend to get even worse! I still slipped out in the mud, but it was a rather gentle slide out and other than a couple of small bruises I'm no worse for wear.... might have been a bit better if my pedal didn't seize up again so I had trouble unclipping my right foot.
Muddy puppy... it's a bit hard to see but she's got mud splattered all over her face from following behind the bike.

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