Saturday, September 12, 2009

Old Goat Glacier, revisited

Okay... so I'm slowly catching up on blogging. A couple of weekends ago I revisited Old Goat Glacier with Tom & Breanna since neither of them had seen it before. The track accidentally got deleted but it's was 10.5km round-trip with a 620m elevation gain. We got a bit of a late start to the day... partly planned, partly just little things that crop up... but mostly because we got to the trailhead and I realized that I had forgotten my socks so we had to drive back to Canmore and buy some. It was still a nice hike, but we were losing light fast in Old Goat valley and the light wasn't particularly good for the group shot at the end.
Looking to Spray Lakes Reservoir from the edge of the hanging valley: Tom & Breanna on the moraine hiking up to the glacier:
Old Goat Glacier, the panoramic version:
Heading back out:

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