Monday, November 10, 2008

Wasootch Ridge

Tom, Kali & I got a bit of a late start hiking on Sunday, but still managed to enough time to hike Wasootch Ridge. It was an 11km round-trip with 1010m of elevation gain, although the ridge-top was rolling so it felt like more.

This is Mt. Lorette from near the top of the first steep ascent.

The trail at the first leveling-out point: Kali-roo with Barrier Lake and Hwy 40 in the background (looking north): The snowy trail ahead... this crest is still about 4 hills away from the top of Wasootch, but it looked deceptively close from this spot. View from the first cairn looking back towards the trailhead. Views from the summit cairn towards the very top of Wasootch (a bit of a scramble to get there and we were running out of day-light).

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