Sunday, September 07, 2008

Pocaterra-Whiskey Jack Pass

I'm slightly behind with the posting... this is from a couple of weekends ago. The day was a bit over-cast by the time Susanna and I got to the Pocaterra Hut parking lot... the peak in the background isn't really snowy. This ride was rated moderate/intermediate, but we thought it really should have been easy/moderate although it was probably the longest distance we rode - just not technical at all. We rode through some pretty, aromatic forests ... gently climbing. We hadn't realized how far we climbed until we reached this view-point... we had started off at river level. I think the whole ride took us 3 to 3-1/2 hours, but mostly because we stopped and laid around in the sun. It had the feeling of a pleasant sunday afternoon spin rather than a challenging ride... fun though! And the only ride of the season without Kali because she was at home recovering from a vet trip.
Part way through the ride the sun came out and it turned into a gorgeous, lazy late summer day. Susanna and I stopped at a picnic area and hung out in the sun... and I managed to grab these butterfly photos.
The fact that part of the trail was paved should have tipped us off to the inappropriateness of the rating... but since Kali wasn't with us we got to fly down here (watching for newbie cyclers and pedestrians of course).
View of Pocaterra Ridge from the information centre we passed on the way back to the parking lot.

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