Sunday, July 06, 2008

Jumping Pound Ridge

I was looking to get for a ride this weekend so posted on the Spin Sisters forum and found someone to go with (Kali too of course). On my buddy Mike's suggestion we hit up Jumping Pound Ridge. The ride up was grueling, 3 km of steep, rubbly switch-backs that we mostly couldn't ride (legs aren't strong enough yet). The rest of the ride made it worth it though... we rode along the top of Jumping Pound Ridge above the tree line - the views were spectacular! The descent was sweet too... we went out the Jumping Pound Summit trail, reasonably steep, rooty switchbacks on well-packed dirt. I'd definitely do it again, but from the south entrance where the ascent is supposed to be shorter and then you coast along the ridge instead of riding up it... maybe next time Tom's home!

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