Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Computer Disasters

I'm back!!! About two months ago my computer died so I've been using Tom's laptop. A couple of week's ago, Tom's computer took a turn for the worse... becoming very unstable and eventually refusing to boot altogether. Thank goodness for Rob, the geo department magician!! He was able to determine that it was just a fried memory card rather than the whole thing, and has just popped in the new part today. I'm participating in a Diamond Exploration Short Course at the moment... learning a ton about diamonds and kimberlites, and all of the stuff Tom does at work! It runs until thursday... so i guess after that i'd better get some thesis stuff done before Tom comes home. Stay tuned for pics of the awesome new mountain bike i just bought! It's a Gary Fisher Cake 1 - very cool!... and an update of the mountain bike course i'm taking in the beginning of June.

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