Saturday, March 24, 2007

Thesis update

Looks like I'll be in Kingston for the summer. I had originally hoped to finish this May and head off to work somewhere exciting... or at least somewhere with better pay, but there's been the usual delays that have crushed my high hopes. I'll be done by the end of summer, so still within my 4 years. So far i think we're planning to kick around Ktown until the end of October or November — that gives me time to do post-doc NSERC applications, plus many of the oil companies swing by Queen's in October so that will give me a chance to do some interviews... and of course John & Fran are getting married in October so I'll definitely be able to catch that at least!... and I'll have a bit more flexibility this summer to go up and see the new niece or nephew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm going to have to remember to check this site more often so I can keep up to date on what is happening to you and Tom, since I haven't heard anything from him for a while!
Love, OmaJudi