Sunday, February 18, 2007

Baby News

I just got some exciting news a few days ago (don't worry everyone - it's not me!). My sister Amy just announced she's in her second trimester so there will be a 4th niece or nephew running around by the end of July. (The other three are my sister-in-law Becky's kids, Ali, Cole & Owen. You can see them in the wedding picture posts - well, not Owen. He was only a month old and a bit too young to walk down the aisle with the other two!). I'm told it's too early to know if it's a boy or girl, but Tom and I have decided to come up with helpful baby name suggestions. Tom particularly likes the idea of having a nephew named "Dudley" or "Igor"... go on, say the last one... couldn't you picture some mom saying "Eee-gor, clean up your room... " We had a harder time thinking of girl names... maybe "Maevis". Does anyone have other suggestions for fun-sounding, highly under-utilized names?

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