Friday, October 27, 2006

More Wedding Pictures

Hey everyone! I figured I'd post a few more pictures from the wedding... I might throw on some more when I get them from the photographer, but this will be it for a little bit. The wedding was on Sunday, Oct. 8 at Whitney Manor in Kingston. It was the most perfect Thanksgiving weather... sunny and something like 18°C, although the wind was a bit cool in the shade in a strapless dress!
I think i'm just happy to be off my feet!
This is in the "Chapel Suite" - the room my parents & grandma were staying in... where we got ready before the wedding and where many of the pictures were taken... I may post pictures later just of the rooms and the building itself. I love this picture of my little ring-bearer Cole and my second dad (Tom Sr.). This was honestly one of the few times Cole stood still on his own! Wow that little guy has a ton of energy... This is my adorable flowergirl Ali. She was extremely cute the whole weekend and very excited about getting our hair done in curls, wearing her pretty dress and carrying her own bouquet (3rd time she was a flowergirl - and she handled it like a pro as well!)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wedding Pictures - Round 1

Here's a couple of wedding pictures! More to come!!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Tom and I went to Gemstorm this weekend!! Unfortunately (kind of) we got a bit carried away when we hit our favourite dealer - Russian Stone. We picked up a couple of trilobites (top 2 pictures). There's a couple of pretty rare ones there - still waiting for them to send the official names. These are composite plates - I think it would be impossible to get these all occurring together naturally... and I'm not sure of their ages. I'll post the trilobite info when I get it from the dealer. The third one down is a couple of Eocene fish from the Green River Formation. The last one is a piece of red coral - i have a necklace made from the stuff so it was kind of neat to get a whole chunk of one.

In other news... Tom and I got married on October 8th... I'll post pictures when I get a few more... and also the promised polar bear shots from Tom's field season on Devon Island this summer. Stay tuned!