Kali & I biked this trail earlier in the season, starting at the north trail-head and heading out on the Summit trail. This time we were with Tom & Susanna and started from the south trail head (I recommend this direction!) with the intention of coasting down the ridge-line to the Jumping Pound Ridge-Cox Hill junction, then turning around and coming out the Summit trail so Kali would have less time on the gravel road. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate. It started spitting before we got to the top, but we pushed on anyway. Once we hit the summit it started to rain harder, and combined with a cold wind, so we just turned around from there. My fingers were a bit numb by the time we finished the descent to the road, but we still had a lot of fun... definitely will need to make another attempt with nicer weather!
Here are a couple of pics from a look-out close to the ridge-top. I had planned to take some more scenic shots and pics of all of us together, but the rain kind of put a damper on that... not much view by the time we got to the top.
Road to the north where we'd come out of the trail:
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