Tom and I went out to Drumheller on the weekend. We stopped at Horseshoe Canyon on the way out and spent an hour or so hiking there. We would have stayed longer, but I was breaking in new shoes and we still had a few other stops on the way.
After a few hours at the museum we went down the Hoodoo Trail to check out the Hoodoos before heading home. We climbed up along the slope over the Hoodoos. I hung out at this point while Tom scrambled to the top (my blisters were complaining about the vertical climb) and snuck this pic of me on his way back down.
The Hoodoos were pretty neat. I had been here as a kid, but it was Tom's first time. Amazing how much erosion these guys have gone through since people first started coming here though. Too bad it's all so delicate because it would be neat to be biking around this kind of stuff. I guess we'll have to go to Moab.