Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Arney Mountain

On Sunday we decided to head out for a little geocaching adventure and see what Arney "Mountain" was all about. It was basically just a big syenite, but rather reminded me of home in N. Ontario. This would have been a nice pic of Tom and Kali if it wasn't for my finger. We spent about an hour and a half "exploring" back roads to get up there... at least enjoying the leaves that were starting to change colours and the apples on the trees on the side of the road. We followed the suggested instructions on the way back and made it to Kingston in half the time.

Grad BBQ

Last Friday was the Grad BBQ . I didn't think to pull out the camera until a bit later in the evening when things had already degenerated to measuring Al's and Pim's heads to see whose was bigger... Apparently that wasn't the only thing that was supposed to be measured... here's 6inches for reference. Note the finger at the top of the shot... well... enough said about the state of the photographer.
Also trouble obeying signs at this point... note the "Do not touch! Danger!!!" written on the broken chalk board. It was knocked off the wall during a previous wine and cheese - we had hoped the sign would warn people off, but alas simply led them to touch it more.