Sunday, April 01, 2007

Cycling Wolfe Island

We finally got our bikes out this week! Thursday we had a "warm-up" bike out to Lemoine Point (about an hour round-trip after Tom practiced hopping things). It was a pretty easy bike, but I have to admit I wasn't used to being in the saddle and my bum got a bit sore. Friday we went out to Wolfe Island - just a short ferry trip from Kingston. We had planned to do an easy 28 km ride, but ended up taking a wrong turn (missing Button Bay, the whole point of the trip!). The weather wasn't horrible, but we were rained on (and a bit of sleet)... plus we were a little tender around the saddle, so we tossed the bikes in the car and went to catch the ferry. Unfortunately, the ferry schedule changes at lunch-time and we got there in time to see it heading away from the dock. Such is life on the island... as they say, there's always another boat, so we headed over to the Island Grill for lunch and caught the next one. During lunch, the sun came out and the weather warmed up. At least we got to enjoy it waiting at the dock for the ferry!