Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Adventure Racing

I'm now officially on an Adventure Racing team! Okay, so we need a name and we're still sorting out our 3rd & maybe 4th team member, but we had a training session last night doing sprints up the steep side of Fort Henry. Keep tuned for trials and tribulation of training (and we'll see if it actually goes anywhere!... hopefully it doesn't end up like all of my K-town Triathlon training and end up just as training for fun while never doing a single race!).

Cephalapod Cache

I'm pretty excited - just got to hide our first geocache AND use geeky geology knowledge to do it! We found a nice spot with cephalapods so decided to use it in the name of the cache and expound a bit of Kingston geology in the description. Now we also have a nice spot to start our travel bug race. We've got a little stuffed "kali-roo" and now we need a little grey kitty for be "mookie" and then we're going to race them... maybe if Gnat the Brat were to take up caching we could race them down that way!