Last weekend we attempted to go out for another snowshoe... but really not that much snow in or around Calgary. We took at stab at a new location for us in Ghost Valley, north of Morley. Leseur Ridge was about 8.2 km round trip with 290 m of elevation gain (although lots of little ups and downs on the way. This time we had Duncan & Steph with us as well as the usual suspects of me, Tom & Breanna. We opted to leave Uma at home because the car was packed and we were worried it was going to be chilly there again like the last snowshoe... although it ended up being a gorgeous day and she would have loved it! ... still a bit steep for Kali's elbow though.

Great views from along the ridge... looking towards Devil's Gap (I hear it's an awesome hike and will probably be on the books for this summer!).