Yesterday we decided to go for an easy hike/puppy walk at Fullerton Loop, just outside Bragg Creek leaving from the Allan Bill Pond parking lot. The loop was about 8 km with only 200 m of elevation gain. The temperature was gorgeous, the trail not too sloppy, and the puppies loved it!

Okay... so note that this was largely a puppy walk - no mountains here, but plenty of puppy pictures. Uma's getting pretty big now (red collar). She's 10 months old and almost the same height as Kali (black collar), but still quite a bit thinner and her head is smaller too. Still abundant energy but Uma's now starting to focus on things for more than a micro-second... even enough to follow the laser pointer in the morning (Kali adores it - obsessed even... Uma followed it for a couple of stomps but then got distracted with a play buddy). We're still working on getting her to focus enough that she stops ramming me in the head with her head, and she's still occasionally chewing inappropriate things if she doesn't get out for her morning walk early enough or meet up with enough play buddies to help wear her out on the walks.